The Bible is full of the promises of God. To those who love God, every promise he has made whether joyous or painful is a blessing for living and for life after death. To those who despise God, God's promise is a righteous judgment. Every man has a choice to believe or not to believe in God's promises. This sermon series teaches about God's promises and why it is so important to take God at his word.
Waiting On the Promise (10) This sermon summarizes and concludes the "Power of Promise" series. God's promise of resurrection came to pass when he raised Jesus from the dead and will culminate with the rapture when all of the dead in Christ shall rise from the grave. How should we live as we wait for this promise to be fulfilled? Key Verses: [Hebrews 11:32-40] [Philippians 3:10-15] Video: [Part 1] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Saturday, November 26, 2011 during the annual "God's Country" event held in New Market, Tennessee at the historic church building owned by Gwen Ford.
Promise Reveals Persuasion (9) This sermon traces the movements of the Children of Israel through the desert wilderness to Jericho where they reached the Promised Land for the second time. Rahab, a resident of Jericho, received the spies of Israel and a promise, and her fate rested on her response to that promise. Key Verse: [Hebrews 11:30-31] Video: [Part 1] Slides: [Sermon-Rahab.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, October 2, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Unstoppable Promises (8) The children of Israel were forced laborers in Egypt under the control of mighty Pharaoh. Apart from God's promise, their fate to remain slaves for generation after generation would have been sealed. But when God decided that the time was right to fulfill the promise he made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, there is nothing Pharaoh could have done to halt their Exodus. The barrier of the Red Sea and the perils of the open desert could not have prevented the people from reaching the promised land. When God makes a promise, there is nothing on the earth or in heaven or hell that can stop it! Video: [Part 1] Slides: [Sermon-Moses.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, September 11, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Promises Carry Forward (7) God promised Abraham many descendants and a land in which they would settle and call home. Abraham's son Isaac, his grandson Jacob, his twelve great-grandsons including Joseph, and Joseph's sons were all parties to that promise and vessels to carry the promises forward to the next generation. Key Verses: [Genesis 48:3-5,15-16] [Hebrews 11:20-22] Video: [Part 1] Slides: [Sermon-Isaac-Jacob.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, August 21, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Promises Will Be Challenged (6) This is the second of two sermons describing the spiritual journey of Abraham. His relationship with God deepened through his giving, his public confession, and his choice to not be angry about his situation. Most importantly, however, he learned to believe God's promises even in the face of the most extreme challenges to his faith. Key Verse: [Hebrews 11:17-19] Video: [Part 1] Slides: [Sermon-Abraham2.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, July 17, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Promise Follows Following (5) This is the first of two sermons describing the spiritual journey of Abraham. Originally known as Abram, he left his native land beyond the Euphrates and his native religion of idol worship to follow the God who speaks. God offered Abram a destiny without specifying the destination, but God promised him favor for his journey. Each time Abram followed God, God made additional promises that were greater than the ones that came before. Key Verses: [Genesis 12:1-3] [Hebrews 11:8-9] Video: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] Slides: [Sermon-Abraham1.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, June 26, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Promise Precedes Consequence (4) This sermon is about Noah and the Great Flood, but the real lesson is that the pattern—imminent judgment, plan of escape, plan communicated to man as a promise, and salvation for those who believe the promise—is found in other Bible accounts including The Exodus from Egypt (past) and Christ's Second Coming (future). Key Verses: [Genesis 6:18-19] [Matthew 24:37] Video: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] Slides: [Sermon-Noah.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, May 22, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Promises Must Be Shared (3) This sermon tells about the prophet Enoch who preached God's impending judgment to the people who lived before Noah's flood. He departed planet Earth without dying—an event about which he apparently gave testimony before it happened. God promised Enoch that he would be translated, and Enoch believed God's promise. Key Verse: [Hebrews 11:5] Video: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] Slides: [Sermon-Enoch.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, April 10, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Promise Presents Choice (2) This sermon is based on the Genesis account of Cain and Abel. Unlike most sermons that focus on the righteous Abel and how his sacrifice was better than Cain's sacrifice, this sermon focuses on Cain and shows how God made a way for him to be forgiven of the act of murdering his brother. Key Verse: [Genesis 4:6-7] Video: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] Slides: [Sermon-Abel.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on Sunday, March 13, 2011 during the church meeting held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Love is a Promise (1) This sermon opened with a video set to music of pictures from the wedding of Pastor David and Sheila Spakes. Just like a husband and wife make promises to one another, God has made many promises to mankind, and this sermon highlights a few of them. Key Verse: [Mark 16:16] Video: [Part 1] Slides: [Sermon-Series-Intro.pdf] This sermon was presented by Pastor David Spakes on the day before Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 13, 2011 at the very first church service of Spirit and Truth Fellowship of Knoxville. The church meeting was held in the Crestridge Community Room located at 800 Longview Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee.